North Carolina Charlotte Mission

Behold, O Lord, their souls are precious, and many of them are your brethren; therefore, give unto us, O Lord, power and wisdom that we may bring these, our brethren, again unto thee. -Alma 31:35

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

6/9/14 "The Gate"

"And then are ye in this strait and narrow path which leads to eternal life; yea, ye have entered in by the gate." - 2 Nephi 31:18

This week I witnessed my fourth car crash in this area. A car backed into a street pole. Something is seriously wrong with these people.

It has again entered that time of year when the birds go crazy and start fighting each other. The mockingbirds are out, though, and I enjoy listening to them.

The South is indeed very religious, but one thing I have noticed is that there are no youth going to the churches here -- only middle-aged and up. By and large the youth of the South are either agnostic, spiritual but nonreligious, or else attend the rock-concert churches such as Elevation, the Cove, etc. Not too many go to the traditional meetings anymore. You know, the ones that require devotion and standards and such.

One of the greatest weapons of the Church's missionaries is our character. People may not know much about us and regard us with suspicion, but they generally trust us to be honest, dependable, and kind. That is a great advantage. They may not know anything about our doctrine but they still regard us as upright individuals.

On Sunday was the baptism of Faith and Madison. This was the first time in my whole mission, 23 months in, where I was able to report at the end of the week that our area had seen a baptism. It was truly a wonderful, ecstatic feeling. When their father was performing the baptism for his younger daughter Madison he got choked up, which got everyone in the room teary. I have never felt the Spirit so strong at a baptismal service.

Elder Arnold and I got a call this past Saturday from President Craven asking us if we would train a new missionary! This is extremely exciting. It'll be the fifth time Elder Arnold has been a trainer and the fourth time for me. I take this as a sign from the Lord to ensure that I continue to work hard during my last transfer. I am excited to meet him tomorrow.

There's no time to write more, unfortunately. I love you all! Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Fisher

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