North Carolina Charlotte Mission

Behold, O Lord, their souls are precious, and many of them are your brethren; therefore, give unto us, O Lord, power and wisdom that we may bring these, our brethren, again unto thee. -Alma 31:35

Monday, January 27, 2014

1/20/14 "Come unto Christ"

"Yea, come unto Christ..and deny yourselves of all ungodliness; and if ye shall deny yourselves of all ungodliness, and love God with all your might, mind, and strength, then is his grace sufficient for you." - Moroni 10:32

At zone conference last Thursday President Craven reversed his previous stand on checking email. We are now, again, only allowed to check our emails on Monday. No more checking during the week.

Also at this last zone conference we had all been asked to prepare a 5-minute talk about Christlike attributes using Moroni 10:32-33. President would then pick several missionaries to speak. I was asked by the assistants to sing in a musical number beforehand and then, wouldn't you know it, I was also asked to give my talk. Thankfully I'd prepared a good amount of material so I didn't make a fool of myself.

This week we had one of our investigators call us up and invite us to the Martin Luther King Jr. parade. They were going to be selling Girl Scout cookies and suggested that we set up a table to talk to people and hand out material. And we did. It was a fun finding opportunity, almost as exciting as seeing Ronald McDonald in an enormous shoe passing by us in the parade.

The Spanish elders were also there, as were the sisters. I suggested all seven of us getting in a line and marching in the parade as if we were a part of it and seeing if anybody cheered for us, but this was vetoed. Lame...


One thing about Elder Mejia that I'm very grateful for is that he is a good listener. He and I are able to have good conversations with each other about the gospel, about life, about the mission, about anything. I greatly appreciate this.

The Moroni 10 scripture was one such thing we talked about. We're both near the last quarter of our missions and so I was reviewing my time so far. I realized that I need to be far more grateful.

I concluded that there's about 4 kinds of mission experiences:
1) A missionary gets tons of success and their mission is a wonderful experience for them.
2) A missionary gets little success and their mission is a wonderful experience for them.
3) A missionary gets tons of success and their mission means nothing to them.
4) A missionary gets little success and their mission means nothing to them.

It's all about if you've changed or not, and change only comes through hard work and obedience. Change -- personal conversion -- is the true measure of a person's "success" on their mission. The numbers can actually mean very little when the two years are up.

So, reviewing my mission thus far, I would consider it successful because of how much I have changed. My objective now in the six months I have remaining is to change into the man I need to become by the end of my mission. It's a scary prospect, but I still have time.

I am just so grateful for all the wonderful blessings my Heavenly Father has given me while out here in North Carolina. I am amazed at what He has allowed me to become.

Love you all. Hurrah for Israel!

Elder Fisher

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